التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي



Yourself is a family

In life you face scenes daily. One day you might face per day, After that your feelings must be cheerful or broken... Scene of today : Today my aunt’s daughter a close of me arrived from Dubai and it’s a first time she traveled, we had a short chatting about her trip and she was so excited to show us what she bought for us. Afternoon when all family having a tea time together she brought her things to show us our gifts  🎁 . What you can say!  Gift time, you can’t imagine our faces when we were waiting. Anyways, I’ve just thinking what she could bought for me ... after a while when we she was given my aunts their gifts I was just waiting... and waiting  Then... She done.. All of them were having their gifts with wide-smiles  I was shocked  😳  like nothing for me !! It really hurts my heart  ❤️  I don’t know it just hurts when you see someone close to you when you talk, when you can say so...

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٢٠٢٠ من يهْتم ؟!

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Human Touch

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من الذي حرك قطعة الجبن الخاصة بي؟